Monday, January 7, 2008


FEBRUARY 24, 2008 2:00 PM Halifax Metro Centre
Mooseheads VS Bathurst Titan

2008 Cub night guide

1st Riverlake Cubs: Jan 10 2008 – April 7 2008Fridge Calendar

10 Jan
Meeting at the school. – Morse Code
17 Jan
Meeting at the school. – Bring an old sock (we’re making sock puppets)
24 Jan
Meeting at the school. – Outdoor activity
31 Jan
Meeting at the school. - Periscopes
Sat 2 Feb
Frosty – Akerlund Field, Miller Lake, Perrin Drive Details to follow
7 Feb
Meeting at the school. – Skits
Moosehead Ticket Money Due ($9.50/ticket)
Tues 12 Feb
Visit to Fire Hall (Fall River Rd.) – Details to follow
14 Feb 2008
No Meeting
21 Feb
Meeting at the school. – BP Art
Fri 22 Feb
Tentative – Baden Powell Service – Details to follow
Sun 24 Feb
Moosehead Hockey Game - 2 pm @ HMC - Details to follow
28 Feb
No Meeting
Fri 29 Feb
Sleepover at St. John’s United Church – Details to follow
6 Mar
Meeting at the school. – Outdoor activity
13 Mar
March Break – No Meeting
20 Mar
Meeting at the school. – Easter craft
27 Mar
Meeting at the school. Kub Kar Trials
3 Apr
Meeting at the school.
Mon 7 Apr
Group Campfire – Details to follow

Don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions/comments or concerns. We can be reached at the numbers below.
Pack Name
Phone #
John Van Oosten
Andy Berry
Peter Stevens
Ross Gagnon
Stephen Whitman
Rob MacCormick

Yours in Scouting,
The Leaders

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Bob MacDonald Park

Hi Folks!
Just a reminder that this week the Pack will be meeting at Bob MacDonald Park on Cobequid Rd. Link to a map(From Windsor Jn Road & Cobequid, turn Left, pass Eagle Point Rd., go under the 102, just past the railroad tracks, on left.)We will meet at 630 and wrap up at 8. Cubs should be dressed for the weather and a walk in the woods. Uniforms are not required tonight.

On May 17 we will be going on a tour of the RCMP Detachment in Lower Sackville (711 Old Sackville Rd). Meeting time is a little different this week, in order to accommodate our hosts. We will meet at 6 p.m. at the RCMP detachment and wrap up at 7 p.m.Cubs should be dressed in uniform for this event. Parents, as usual, are welcome to attend.

May 26 / 27 - Group Camping Weekend. Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts will be camping overnight at the Barrett Fun Camp on Beaverbank Rd. More details and a kit list will be provided shortly. If you have any questions, please send me an email or call me at 401-9724.

Thanks,Andy (Rikki-Tikki-Tavi)

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Nature Walk

We have tentatively scheduled a nature walk at Bob MacDonald Park for Thursday May 10th, weather permittiing. Additional information regarding this event will be sent to you by email or phone on Monday or Tuesday of next week.

Thank You,
Mang (scott)

For-Ever Flowers

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Hi folks

Hi folks,
I hope you all had a fun Easter! It feels like it's been a while since we've met, so I thought I'd send out a quick reminder that to night's (April 12) Cub meeting will be at the school. Hope to see you all there
.-Andy (RTT)

Sunday, April 1, 2007

The Action

Cubs Waiting To Race

Start Your Kub Kars

The Kub Kars weighed and ready

The final 10

Friday, March 30, 2007

Congrarulations to all Cubs

Congratulations to all cubs on their excellent efforts with the Kub Kars. I think we have a good chance of doing well at the rally on Saturday and hope everyone can make it. Parents are responsible for their own child's transportation to and from the event. The rally is taking place at the Halifax Armouries. It is located next to the Halifax Commons on the corner of Cunard St. and North Park. Cub s should be at the Armouries at 9:00 a.m. to register for the event. Please try to be no later than 9:30 a.m. to guarantee your child is able to register. The cubs usually finish at around 11:30 a.m., so please plan on picking your child up at that time. You may want to pack a snack and some water for your child.Scott and I will be attending for sure, so if parents have any questions please contact one of us. We look forward to seeing everybody on Saturday!
Important Upcoming Dates:
Thursday April 5: No Cubs
May 12: Cub Fun Day - Information to follow
May 25: 2007: Area Camping Weekend - Information to follow
Thanks!-Andy (RTT)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Nature walk in Laurie Park

Hi folks,This is is just a quick note to let you know that tonight the Pack will be going for a nature walk in Laurie Park. Scott and I will be able to drive the Cubs to and from the park, but we would appreciate it if everybody could be at the school by 630 sharp. This will give us as much outdoor time as possible. We will return to Ash Lee Jefferson at 730. Please make sure your Cub is dressed appropriately for an hour outdoors and brings a flashlight if he has one; uniforms are optional tonight.Please let me know if you have any questions.Yours in Scouting,Andy (RTT).

Friday, March 23, 2007

Site Ideas

Please post your comments or ideas.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The official Kub Kar Rally will be held Saturday March 31, 2007 tentatively at the Halifax Armories (More Information to follow)


I Don't know if I missed anyones car or not.